PI: Dr. M. Ghysels-Dubois, Groupe de Spectrométrie Moléculaire et Atmosphérique (GSMA, UMR CNRS 7331), CNRS, France. Email: melanie.ghysels-dubois@univ-reims.fr
The AquaVIT-4 campaign aims to compare state of the art and new atmospheric hygrometers with each other and with traceable humidity standards at the aerosol and cloud simulation chamber AIDA (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, http://www.imk-aaf.kit.edu/73.php ).
This campaign occurred in the frame of the HEMERA project. The campaign has been held from March 21, 2022 to April 8, 2022. This campaign is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730997 and that is supported by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme, H2020-INFRAIA-2020-1, Grant Agreement number:101008004.”

The campaign started on March 21, 2022 with the installation of Pico-Light H2O, ALBATROSS and the NASA DLH hygrometers. On the 24th and 25th, first tests were realized to check for the proper operation of the integrated instruments. Simulated conditions included room temperature (296K) test at pressure varying from 20 to 800 hPa, followed on the 25th by cooled conditions at 234 K and pressures between 20 to 400 hPa.
The SAWfPhy instrument was installed on March 28, 1 m away from Pico-Light, in the bottom of the main vessel.
The series of experiments has started on March 29.
Datasets will be publicly available soon.

Figure 1: Picture of the AIDA facility.
The present campaign is built in the frame of the HEMERA H2020 european project, a new research infrastructure involving a large community in balloon-borne researches. In the frame of the WP 11 “Innovation on sensors and algorithms for balloon-borne research”, this proposal focuses on the JRA 2.1 and 2.2, which aims at defining standards and protocols for balloon measurements relevant for Copernicus and a set of Light Innovative Instruments (SLII) for transnational access (TNA) payload and data during TNA flights. AquaVIT-4 aims to support newly developed european hygrometers in their calibration efforts against reference and well-known instruments.
This campaign would be one piece of a larger project which aims at including metrological institutes to help defining good practices and standards for essential climate variables, facing the need of increasingly accurate and precise atmospheric data.
The campaign practical objectives are:
- To provide a continued basis for quality control of airborne hygrometer measurements.
- To document the improvement of existing hygrometers and the allow the testing of new instruments related to the JRA 2.1 / 2.2 of Hemera EU project (https://www.hemera-h2020.eu/).
The campaign will be split into two phases :
- Quick look data (week 1): Preliminary measurements will be made available to the referees as soon as possible following each day’s experiments (<24 h). This step will allow, in case of difficulties, to suggest corrections to data processing, instrument configuration, or instrument operation to improve the overall outcome of the intercomparison.
- Blind comparison (week 2) : blind measurements will be quickly release (within 2 months), together with preliminary data to be made available only to the referees (O. Möhler, K. Rosenloff , M. Fujiwara and E. Georgin (to be confirmed)) who are not affiliated with any participating instrument team. The referee board, will therefore perform a short evaluation (within 2 months).
At the end of the short evaluation period, datasets will be release to all participants. After careful checking from respective participants, final datasets will be made available to the AERIS data portal.
Participants :
AquaVIT-4 gathers 22 participants from 9 laboratories in the USA, Europe and Russia. A list of the participants is shown in the table below together with the hygrometers and their location in the chamber.
Potential participant | Affiliation | Instrument | Location at AIDA* |
Harald Saathoff, Robert Wagner Ottmar Möhler | KIT, D | TDL (1370 nm) for measurements in AIDA (gas phase water only) APicT TDL (1370 nm) for measurements outside AIDA (total water) APeT | 1 3 |
Harald Saathoff, Robert Wagner Ottmar Möhler | KIT, D | Dew point mirror MBW-373LX, FTIR (ice water content) | 3 |
Nadir Amarouche, F. Frérot, M. Ghysels-Dubois#, G. Durry | DT-INSU CNRS, Meudon, FR, GSMA, CNRS, Reims, FR | Pico-SDLA -IN | 1 |
Albert Hertzog, Claire Cenac, Julio Lopez, Paul Monnier | LMD, (DPAO), Palaiseau Cedex, FR | SAWfPHY -IN | 1 |
Ivan Formanyuk, Alexey Lykov (canceled due to the war of Ukraine) | Central Aerological Observatory (CAO), Moscow, RU | FLASH (A) – Canceled due to the war in Ukraine | 3 |
Glenn Diskin | NASA Langley, USA | Diode Laser Hygrometer (DLH) | 2 |
Graf, Manuel Béla Tuzson, Simone Brunamonti | EMPA, Dübendorf, CH | Lightweight Mid-IR Laser Spectrometer (ALBATROSS) | 3 |
Referees | |||
Ottmar Möhler | KIT | Present at AIDA only until April 1st | |
Karen Rosenloff | NOAA | ||
Masatomo Fujiwara | Hokkaido University |
*Options: 1) inside the vessel, 2) outside the vessel in the cold part, 3) heated sampling line to the warm laboratory.#PI.
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