Successful launch @Esrange
On September 11th a new stratospheric balloon launch has been performed from the Esrange base of the Swedish Space Corporation, near Kiruna in the Nord of Sweden. Six payloads have been launched on board a […]
HEMERA is a Research Infrastructure funded by the Horizon 2020 framework Programme of the European Union which integrates a large starting community in the field of tropospheric and stratospheric balloon-borne research, to make existing balloon facilities available to all scientific teams in the European Union, Canada and associated countries. The complementary of the HEMERA members’ capabilities in the field of balloon systems and operations will offer an easy and enhanced service to the scientific community. A wide range of scientific and technical themes are addressed, such as astronomy, atmospheric physics and chemistry, climate research, fundamental physics, biology, space research and technology.
The HEMERA project sets up a large consortium dealing with balloon-borne research, that will encompass 13 Partners from seven countries:
This combination of space agencies, companies and scientific communities ensures that the HEMERA infrastructure will provide the best environment and technologies to fulfil its overarching goals.
HEMERA aims to develop strong synergies with the European Union programme COPERNICUS, be complementary to the European Space Agency programmes and establish links with other European Commission (EC) infrastructures (e.g. ACTRIS, IAGOS).
HEMERA kickoff meeting, 23th and 24th of January 2018, CNES headquarters, Paris, France
On September 11th a new stratospheric balloon launch has been performed from the Esrange base of the Swedish Space Corporation, near Kiruna in the Nord of Sweden. Six payloads have been launched on board a […]
The HEMERA 2021 campaign continues with another launch expected for tomorrow! Pictures from the campaign at this link.
This month the HEMERA launch campaign has started! After the break due to Covid restriction, the launches at Esrange have regularly back to normal. Two flights have been done in […]
The final results of the second HEMERA Call For Proposals are out! Check the list of approved flights at this link. Please note that the campaign has been postponed to […]
The annual HEMERA General Assembly meeting starts this morning in Paris. Pictures at this link.
The new HEMERA video Trailer is out! Check it at this link!