Work Packages

HEMERA is organized into eleven work packages, as illustrated in the figure below : Management (WP1), one virtual access activity (WP2), two transnational access activities (WP4, WP5) including access to balloons flights, five networking activities (WP3,WP6, WP7, WP8, WP9) , and two joint research activities (WP10 and WP11). A 12th  work package (WP12) called “Ethics” finalizes the general structure of HEMERA work packages.

WP numberActivity typeWP titleLeading institution
 1 Management: The objective of the WP is to manage the project and communicate within the consortium and with the European Commission. CNES
2VA1Virtual Access to Hemera data: The objective of the WP is to provide the virtual access to the HEMERA remote users and to offer access to the whole balloon-borne data from a wide variety of astronomic and atmospheric platforms and sensors through the HEMERA Data Centre metadata catalogue. CNRS
3 NA1Calls for ideas and proposals, experiment selection: The objective of the WP is to draw up and issue one call for ideas and two calls for proposals during the HEMERA project period, to implement evaluation of the ideas and proposals received, to submit the experiment selection recommendation of the peer-review group to the HEMERA steering committee and to deliver feedback to the applicants.SNSB
4TA1TA to SSC balloon installations: Implementation of balloon flights operated by SSC.SSC
5TA2TA to CNES balloon installations: Implementation of balloon flights operated by CNES. Provision of access to the following infrastructure(s): CNES balloon facilities.CNES
 6NA2Dissemination, outreach: The objective is to provide the communication infrastructure and tools on which the other WPs dedicated to internal and external communication will rely. INAF
7 NA3Training, education: The goal is to organize and implement a summer school for balloon-related technicians, engineers, young students and scientists, foster balloon-related science among PhD students and young researchers, and collect e-learning material for balloon-related research and technology.UHEI
 8 NA4Enlarging the community: This networking activity focuses on enlarging the balloon community through the establishment of close links to other research communities and industry.KIT
 9NA5Potential other launching site: Identification and characterization of new potential launch sites. ASI
10JRA1Innovation for balloons infrastructure, standardization: The objective of the WP is to specify key balloon system elements and develop key elements which, once available, can be used for balloon activities. Specific efforts will be made concerning payload gondolas to share the best products at the European level. CNES
11 JRA2Innovation on sensors and algorithms for balloon-borne research: Define a Set of Lightweight Innovative Instruments (SLII) to provide for TA users key atmospheric data (Essential Climate Variables, ECV) and relevant data on cosmic gamma ray and high precision measurements relevant for astronomy. Develop visualization tools and algorithms and level 3 data. Define at European level the synergy and common tools associated with the infrared hyperspectral imaging technique for future satellite mission definition.  CNRS
