HEMERA summer school, Heidelberg/Germany, Sept. 9 – 13, 2019
The HEMERA summer school is open to advanced master students, PhD students and young scientists interested/involved in balloon research, technicians and engineers from the participating agencies and industries. The participation of technicians, engineers and scientists from eastern and southern European countries is particularly welcome.
Major themes of the summer school will cover the following:
- The history, early and modern balloon science and industrial opportunities, recent advances and discoveries.
- The atmospheric environment
- The general logistics of balloon types, flight control, limitations of the ballooning environment, launching techniques, regulations.
- Specific scientific and industrial ballooning operations of the agencies (CNES, SSC, ASI/CSA….
- More detail on modern scientific results from ballooning and the instruments involved.
- Future work, opportunities, measurements, ..
Teaching at the HEMERA summer school will be provided via lectures and showing casing balloon equipment. One afternoon and the evening of Sept. 11, 2019 will be dedicated to a social programme (see programme).
The summer school will take place at the Marsilius Kolleg at the University of Heidelberg/Germany on Sept. 9 -13, 2018. Lectures and seminar are held in the ground floor of the building INF 130.1 located on the Im Neuenheim Feld (INF) Campus at Heidelberg, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany.
For the venue location and how to get there see here
Download program
(last update 7th March)
Registration and Fee
Each participants (lecturer/scholar) of the HEMERA summer school should enroll by July 26, 2019. Instruction will be uploaded soon.
The fee for the summer school is 100.- €, which includes the catering, the summer school diner as well as the participation in the social program. The non-refundable fee should be electronically paid until July 26, 2019 (instructions will be uploaded soon).
Accommodation and General Information
Each participant need to book (and pay) his own accommodation. There are plenty of hotels in each category available at Heidelberg, however.
Click here to for an overview on hotel at Heidelberg http://www.heidelberg.de/hd,Len/300652.html
Convenient and moderately prized accommodation offer the so called ‘Gästehäuser’, for example those offered by the University which is located next to the Marsilius Kolleg, http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/institutions/guesthouses/index.html,
or operated by private operators:
Information on Heidelberg: For a general tourist Information on Heidelberg, see here http://www.heidelberg-marketing.de/en
Leisure and Social Event
Social events
Afternoon on Wednesday Sept. 11, 2019:
- Visit to the castle
- Guided tour through the town
- Boat trip on the Neckar river
Lab visits
Visits to the following labs/institution are possible:
- ICOS 14C lab (Sam Hammer), more info at this link.
- ArTTA, Kirchoff Institut (39Ar dating) (Werner Aeschbach/Markus Oberthaler).
- MPI Astronomy/Landessternwarte.
- Negative Ion cyclotron at the German Heidelberger Ionenstrahl-Therapiezentrum (HIT) (German Cancer Centrum).