Social activities/Options map
- Start at 15:00 at the Bergbahn funicular station, followed by the visit of the Heidelberg castle with guided ‘Höhepunktführung’ tour
- 15:00 Solar boat trip on the Neckar river (check-in 14:45 at the peer next to the old bridge), followed by a guided tour through part of the town, scenic stroll with Susanne Späinghaus on the Philosophenweg
- 20:00 – 23:00 Summer school dinner at the ‘Roter Ochsen’ (the Red Ox), Rathausstraße 55, HD, see
Dinner choices: 1. Vegetarian, 2. Deer-ragout, and 3. Fish (zander)
Lab visits
Visits to the following labs/institution are possible:
- ICOS 14C lab (Sam Hammer), more info at this link.
- ArTTA, Kirchoff Institut (39Ar dating) (Werner Aeschbach/Markus Oberthaler).
- MPI Astronomy/Landessternwarte.
- Negative Ion cyclotron at the German Heidelberger Ionenstrahl-Therapiezentrum (HIT) (German Cancer Centrum).